Hello daggers!
Greetings! Salutations! Hi... I'm Steve, 25 years old and living in south east England. I am not great at introductions or writing anything biographical so I will keep this short. As you may gather I am quite a nervous guy. The type of person who'll sit quietly in a room full of people, and only really speak once I've got a feeling of the atmosphere and what the conversation is. Which very often means I'll actually end up saying nothing at all. :s

I am still at a very basic level when it comes to artistic ability. A lot of my process owes more to happy accidents than any real honed skill. When alls said and done there is usually something kinda lifeless and quite unfinished about the final result. To that end I have taken this year to be the start of my attempt to fix that by learning and honing myself.

Still trying to figure out how best to get myself into a schedule as well as build a list of things to learn. At the moment I am currently working through the lessons on the drawabox.com, and just started going through Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. All while fighting an uphill battle of thinking I am not good enough to even attempt to draw anything, especially with all this laundry that needs folding! Any resources you think will help, advice, or anything you would recommend. I'd be most grateful!

I just have got to say it is really inspiring to see how people here have progressed from learner to learned over time!

As far as long term goals of what I'd like to do with art, I'd someday love to draw my own comics someday. I recently read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, and even though I've always had a love for comics that book made me appreciate the medium to new degrees.

Anyway I have rambled into a much longer intro than I really meant to do. Bottom line I am really hoping to get to know people and overall feel less alone in not being where I want to be, while I attempt to get there.

Thanks for reading! :D

Messages In This Thread
Hello daggers! - by Steve H - 01-23-2017, 12:30 PM
RE: Hello daggers! - by RottenPocket - 01-23-2017, 07:25 PM
RE: Hello daggers! - by Steve H - 01-25-2017, 01:17 PM
RE: Hello daggers! - by John - 01-23-2017, 07:51 PM
RE: Hello daggers! - by Artloader - 01-24-2017, 12:57 AM

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