Cynthia Sheppard Lecture Notes
Here's some notes I took at a lecture about painting, planning, and process by Cynthia Sheppard several months ago. Let me know if there's any questions about the lecture. I just jotted down the basics of what she talked about, so if I can try to expand on some aspects of my notes if I remember.
It was very interesting when she talked about her past mistakes, and her overall philosophy on art.

.pdf   Salon Series 5- Painting _ Planning _ Process- Cynthia Sheppard.pdf (Size: 1.34 MB / Downloads: 328)


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Cynthia Sheppard Lecture Notes - by Axrel - 02-13-2017, 06:10 PM
RE: Cynthia Sheppard Lecture Notes - by Axrel - 02-14-2017, 05:31 PM

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