John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)
Hey John. Sorry I've not checked in for a while. :( Really enjoying the latest studies bro! I really like the portrait study of the girl with the lilac hair. The movement is really awesome. There is more depth in your painting than in the original photo also, and I really like that too.

The super hero piece really came out well too. You put an epic amount of energy into producing it - totally worth it! I'd totally have that on my wall.

Are you considering doing anything for the background? For the future (if it's not something you do already), In terms of composition, it can help to put all the characters in silhouette. This way you can see the compositions negative space easily. That can really help with producing attractive and balanced shapes in the layout. Especially when dealing with so many characters.

The yellow and blue portrait study is also cool. The contrast is really good - perhaps your being a bit too hard on yourself there. I think the colours work really well together. Perhaps the shadows could be a little softer on her shirt, the lighting is maybe a little on the harsh side making the material look somewhat rigid.

Really nice work bro. Inspiring as always!

PS: When you send your hero pic to print, don't forget to check which CMYK colour profile your print company is using, so you can make sure you are happy with all of the colours before it gets printed. (:

- EmEl

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RE: John's Thread (Do not coddle and punch him right in the goolies.) - by EmEl - 06-15-2017, 11:05 AM

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