John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)
RickRichards - I do. And it's atrocious. I keep saying I should clean and update it, but I keep putting it off! However, I do keep this fairly updated. In fact, this is place is more updated than my portfolio. It's probably counterproductive! But it's better for me to make a disaster here where it's not as public, than out there.

I should probably update it next year..


Portrait study:

No color picking on the reference photos on this one. Kinda tricky to sneak in the green among the fleshy color. It's kinda difficult to move around the color green.

This gives me an idea how to move around the color wheel. I don't know how to put them in words yet. Moving around the color wheel is something I'm trying to figure out for this piece and possibly the next. Hopefully I'd get a good grasp of it before I start working on book covers.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead

Messages In This Thread
RE: John's Thread (Do not coddle and punch him right in the goolies.) - by John - 07-13-2017, 12:36 AM

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