Fantasy illustration - asking for help
Ah thanks a lot Simon!
I agree on the lighting beeing kind of all over the place.
So i used pretty heavy ref on the right harpy and felt the other characters fell short, as a result you get the pasted look you described.

I will apply most changes in my own way. Really like what you did with the new pose on the left, and eliminating the bounce light from the figure on the right.

the harpy above the old man is indeed in a very strange pose.. i tried emulating the ''defensive posture'' of an owl, body leaning forward, wings up looked intimidating but doesn''t work the same for human anatomy haha.

The main thing i'm probably not going to change is the positioning of the axe and dwarf.
the prairy grass in the snow is supposed to lead you to the action in the background.
might have to emphasize that more.

will update tommorrow.

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RE: Fantasy illustration - asking for help - by Lumens - 08-26-2012, 05:32 AM

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