the dawckbook! come watch me fail (and hopefully learn)
redid everything and did studies for the piece im i like this one much better the other wan was a mess from the get go, i kind of winged it,i must never do that again haha 

first hands from head im doing 100s just as warmups and to get the juices going

first studies

then doing it from head and making my own diagrams for future reference, using a image found on DA

after that i did poses focusing on perspective and then personality

used the one i liked as a base 

and went from there

i still have to test if my perspective is right on some stuff but after that its on to lineart and then actual painting this last one is just a test and for the client before i begin 

C&C appretiated!



When in doubt ask yourself, what would scooby do?

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RE: the dawckbook! come watch me fail (and hopefully learn) - by dawckward - 02-14-2018, 12:53 PM

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