Leo's odyssey into becoming a concept artist
The hardest step is to close all distraction.But if i can advice something is to try to do let say periodic work and pause and stick to it.For example you work 60min you give yourself 20 minute .But the risk is to procastinate and not go back to work so best is to avoid youtube my advise is in those pause go to artstation.com and look at those people who are kicking your ass now if that doesn't motivate you to go back to work i don't know what will.Of course there a chance you get discouraged and procrastite looking at the amazing work but you cannot think you will reach there level without working your ass off.There also job opportunity on the site idk if you know that website.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Leo's odyssey into becoming a concept artist - by darktiste - 01-19-2019, 05:47 AM

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