advice for anatomy studies of legs and feet ?
Not really an advise i my opinion but something that might be underated in an artist journey now a day is life drawing class.If you can find live model class i think it will help you get a more realistic idea about the leg and it different shape.From muscular to fatty.

My advise is to learn more about the superficial muscle and how twisting and flexing affect the muscle group.Because it affect the form of the leg and therefor affect the value change.

I don't think you have terrible leg but that doesn't mean you can draw a leg from imagination.The best thing you should do is draw the leg from memory fist and than work from there to see what area of the leg you still need to solidify.

In my opinion leg are great to study if you aim to draw nude figure for a living but there not that important compare to the upper body but they should be understand and you should be able to know there proportion to retain the believiablity of the piece.Since most of the time there covered by pant and shoe i don't see the point in spending alot of attention on them.

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RE: advice for anatomy studies of legs and feet ? - by darktiste - 05-19-2019, 03:50 PM

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