Meatslurps sketchbook - What I do to get better and have fun
Hey man welcome to the forums, like your username!
Also your sketches, renderings everything really well done (especially creepy garfield).

Drawing from imagination is something especially that I am trying to improve at because I have tendency to just try and render everything really tightly and I am trying to sketch alot more.

Question when you do these applied observation to imagination studies like draw a object 18 times. Lets say you are doing hands will you draw like 1 hand, then after you finish it try and then try to use your memory to recreate it without looking at the source and repeat? Or do you do 1 drawing from an observed source, then just make up a hand in some imaginary pose different than what you most recently did?

Anyways looking forward to more!

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RE: Meatslurps sketchbook - What I do to get better and have fun - by bluehabit - 01-08-2020, 02:06 PM

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