Meatslurps sketchbook - What I do to get better and have fun
(01-09-2020, 03:20 AM)Fedodika Wrote: Hey there!

I like the world youve created in your drawings, it has a quirky and unique feel to it... As i look through i see sketch after quick idea after quick idea, but whats it all for? Alot of your concepts feel disconnected, like they dont belong in the same world; i think for an appealing portfolio of quick designs, there should be some coherency and symmetry in the designs so they feel cohesive. But thats aside the point, which is my main critique:

I think you need to finish something; like this for example

Take that picture, use reference and spend several days on it to really make it rendered well on each material and contour. Its a very cool idea, but i think itd shine so much more with some rendering, even if its a stylized kind of rendering like Dave's comic work, just dress it up more.  youre perfectly capable of drawing a decent character, just dont leave off on it once you throw down a background tone and mask it with a color; push it!
Thanks for stopping by!

I'm glad some of my stuff spoke to you and you're 100% right. Finishing drawings/paintings is something I have a immense problem with that I'm slowly working on overcoming. After a certain point It feels like the energy needed to continue rises exponentially until my brain just starts giving out or coming up with a thousand different, unrelated drawings.
It's been like that since I started drawing, which means at this point it's a really hard habit to iron out, but I'm really trying to work on it!

That's also why most of the drawings look so disjointed. They aren't drawn for anything bigger or coherent, they just stand for themselves. Either because I had a quick Idea or for practice. They are also not meant as a portfolio. I don't really feel completely ready to make one yet. I have a couple of bigger projects I'm working on and some  of the work for them is also in the sketch dump. Should probably have labeled the things belonging together. I guess I'll start doing that when I finish some of the stuff to a level where I would actually want to slap a label on it with my name behind it, because I really don't want to leave my babies in this half-assed state. hah

I pretty much know I just need to push through everything I'm uncomfortable with so I will try to use your comment as fuel to do that!

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RE: Meatslurps sketchbook - What I do to get better and have fun - by Meatslurp - 01-09-2020, 05:44 AM

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