Gerben's Sketchbook - Sharpening the axe
(01-25-2021, 05:47 AM)Zorrentos Wrote: You took a big leap in quality from 13 to 14! Welcome to the forums! Hope you will enjoy your stay!
Thanks Zorrentos & Max & Ronya! It was in fact compiling this overview that I considered my growth had slowed down too much too my liking, so here we are! It is motivated from a positive angle though, I don't believe guilt and shame are good motivators in the long term (for me anyway). 

Anyway here's some half-study half imaginary paintings I did from Mary Blair's work. Her color combinations are fantastic and I wanted to figure out what she's doing. I still have a lot of trouble figuring out the local value of the sky vs the landscape, would like to do some virtual plein airs to remedy that!

"No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself." - Seneca

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RE: Gerben's Sketchbook - Sharpening the axe - by gerbenpasjes - 01-25-2021, 05:25 PM

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