Gerben's Sketchbook - Sharpening the axe
(01-29-2021, 09:25 PM)CoreyH Wrote: Great work. Do you feel those studies focusing on less brush strokes helped? I have a terrible habit of noodling that I need to kick.

Thanks Corey! I do yes. The tiny canvas and no zooming helps too; there's really only so much you can do, and using small brushes is almost made impossible because your hand would move to fast, thus stopping you from noodling!

John Harris piece, incredible. I know he paints these really big, doing it justice on a tiny canvas was very challenging. That green glow he's got going on around the rings, I couldn't get that right yet. 
A beautiful, delicate balance of local values is happening where the rings go into the lower atmosphere of the ice landscape. Happy about my version of that, although its still ever so slightly off. 

An Edgar Payne (I believe); was very challenging to get the correct blues, oranges, and purples. Craig Mullins says all colors are relative, so it doesn't really matter what you do in terms of brightness, as long as the hue is correct in relation to each other. Nevertheless I tried to get the local values correct too. 

I'm not doing much in terms of studies this weekend cuz I'm participating in the global game jam. Looking forward to next week already haha.

"No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself." - Seneca

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RE: Gerben's Sketchbook - Sharpening the axe - by gerbenpasjes - 01-31-2021, 12:13 PM

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