Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Thanks George!  So here's a look an early lay-out test on my VERY cartoony panel thang — based on an illustration I did with my niece's kids in mind.

I actually have a LOT more done on this but just wanted to post a little progress update on it. (Polished it up a lot more — added panels, characters, word balloons etc and moved elements around since this early test).

It's been interesting to find that I as I went from the concept I had in my head to actually making it happen — how much that and layout I envisioned have HAD to change from the idea to the actual panels (which is proving to be much more difficult than anticipated)

I've always been interested in creating more graphic novel type stuff so this is becoming quite an education about that!

[Image: tongue.png]

BTW — I created my own font for the 'Chicken King's' text on the banner in Inkscape.

I used to do calligraphy ages ago (an aunt gave me a cool book that still came in handy all these years later)

Inspired by that I downloaded a couple of font maker apps I may try sometime down the road.

Thanks for looking in.


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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! - by Jephyr - 07-21-2022, 04:46 AM

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