Hyena's progression sketchbook of horrors
Welcome back good to see you that you start thinking more than just in face and profile manner.

In all honestly if you want to progress the most just make sure to draw with perceptive in mind and by that i mean you need to learn how to play by the rule of perspective not only that you want to choose the right kind of perspective that help create what you have in mind.

Copying your favorite character and breaking them down into basic geometric form can help you to draw your own character but anatomy is require because the basic geometric form are more an excuse to visualize than what could be describe as a finish illustration.Also i wouldn't advise to dress your character right away because you need to understand what under the cloth to make sense of how the cloth will fold or follow what underneath.

One last advise would probably be to avoid drawing fur so early on because it very time consuming and can prevent you from learn more ''urgent'' topic.Instead i recommend to focus on exercise that train your value and form.

If you need example don't hesitate to send me a message if you know how to.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Hyena's progression sketchbook of horrors - by darktiste - 08-09-2022, 09:41 AM

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