Earn 100$ possible? / Drawing Business
Earning 100$ at once or 100$ via multiple drawing in total...those are two different level.But you don't seem to make it very clear as to what you are aiming for.

A person who need a drawing couldn't necessarly do it themselve specially the more complex the idea is even with if they were to be help by Ai as of right now.Because to draw you have to use somekind of tool you need a minimum of knowledge and practice to use those tool to create even just a line .Even if let say you don't know how to draw at all and you would like to use ai to create something for you it only gonna give you an approximation so any further correction would require to imput new parameter you might not know how to adjust.So even using ai require an expertise of some kind expertise people are seeking. They are not that much interest by how it done but the result obviously.

So there is a demand for drawing.Because we are still better at interpreting what someone want than an ai is currently is because we can ask question and we understand popular culture to a better degree than ai do.An Ai will sometime for example add extra eye or deform face and they still have issue with the number of finger which is funny because artist also struggle with hand alot.That not very practical for someone who doesn't know how to draw because they are stuck with a image they can't really use even if it closely resemble what they ask from the Ai.

The reason someone want to hire you for a drawing can greatly varie but just because you draw doesn't mean you specialize in what the client is looking for.I would say the number 1 reason someone want to hire you to draw something is they saw your work or simply they saw your ad.It would be very hard for someone to want to hire you to do a drawing for them if you have no social present on the internet or in real life and it would be worst if you had nothing to show them what they might be able to exept.

You can always try to learn more about commision and look at website like fiveer which is a website where artist like to offer there service for cheap.

But i don't think you have the head in the right place you seem very prematurely looking into topic which are of no use if you can't draw properly.The craft require many month of hard work just to get the basic down.So if your already thinking about money right off the bat i am just gonna throw some water on your assumption.But i understand that you want an idea and a motivation of what you can exept after all the hard work.Here what i suggest Invest time in drawing and you might end up finding out you don't like drawing that much or learn that you don't like to draw what other want you to draw.

The danger of looking to far a head is that it might make your head spin sometime it easier to look alittle closer to where the road is.

Of course there is a space for every level of artistic talent but even if your able to draw there might not be a big demand for what you draw or you might not have the skill to draw what someone want you to draw.

So just draw there is a time for everything and if you think it right now then don't be scared of anything i just said. Also don't feel less just because you didn't sell anything yet it ok to be impatient or to want to prove your worth to yourself or just to show off but with impatience come reality which might be hard to accept and give you the opportunity to face the possiblity that your are not as ready as you think.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Earn 100$ possible? / Drawing Business - by darktiste - 11-14-2022, 10:22 AM

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