Crimson CHOW #42 - Elemental Whisperer
@Leo Ki Thanks so much for the input and yes, with the priest, I wanted to try something entirely different in my composition and definitely have him in a weird stance as if he was conjuring the power of the Gnome; thanks on the good words of the color palette and gnome merging into the background, I had to put a bit of thought into it. Initially the gnome was fully colored in the background with red hat, blue shirt, and fleshy skin, but it conveyed the wrong mood and feeling in the piece for me and @Pubic Enemy's advice on adding atmospheric perspective really helped work out the background from the foreground elements of the image.

Thanks on the good words with the Salamander piece as well. I definitely am pushing for very dynamic and different compositions in my work and enjoying working on an entire image again instead of just focusing on the character like I did in the Cimmerian Chef entrees. I'm going crazy with the color on this one, just pushing and pulling what I feel works best based on my understanding of color theory and most importantly experimenting.

I'm liking your ideas and am looking forward to seeing them fleshed out more. Keep up the great work and motivation and thanks for being a part of the forum!

To all artists struggling to create and are intimidated by A.I. (anti-imagination)
Sun "Everything has been done, but not by you" Sun

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RE: Crimson CHOW #42 - Elemental Whisperer - by Lege1 - 02-13-2023, 11:12 AM

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