Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Just boppin' in to see what everyone else was up to.

Thanks so much CG! Glad to hear you like my color choices.

Hi Leo! Yeah — I can go on a bit can't I. I blame it on growing up surrounded by women — I mean seriously! Everyone in my home as a kid was female and all my cousins were females and there were only a few boys in my neighborhood — and they were either older or younger. I've had girlfriends say they've never met a guy who likes to talk as much as I do. (My guy card is probably going to be revoked : )

Anyway — I'm up to my neck in other work — but did manage to open the traveler/bunny pic and do a little work on it — so thanks for that!

Glad you like the bunnies too — dunno why they keep showing up in a lot of my work.

I might hafta steal the phrase phantasmagoric universe — I love that!

Thanks so much for commenting and for the kind words. Hope you keep posting here too!!


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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! 2022 In Review! - by Jephyr - 02-25-2023, 01:41 PM

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