@cbinnsillustration Amazing piece and turnaround, I absolutely love the Aztec theme incorporated into the piece. This has a really overall lovely rendering style and mood to the piece. I'm also really enjoying the circular composition along with your color selections here, the choice of warms and cools work great together. This is a really fantastic piece and you even went on to put an Aztec temple in the back ground which is pure awesome. Great use of brush economy as well, as all those grains of sand flying around really add to the mood and feel of the topic of this concept. I could definitely see a character like this featured in a more fantastical version of the movie Apocolypto. Great work bro!

I'm furthering developing my recent Sand Worm Controller post out as well, but not sure if I will stick with it being my final as I'm trying to explore as many of all the concepts on this one in the wips stages, but I figure it'd be good to have something ready for finals.

To all artists struggling to create and are intimidated by A.I. (anti-imagination)
Sun "Everything has been done, but not by you" Sun

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RE: Crimson CHOW #46 - FANTASTICAL DESERT LANDS - by Lege1 - 07-25-2023, 06:23 AM

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