05-04-2024, 07:47 AM
Some of us a guilty of trying out AI, at least in the beginning I know I dabbled with a few apps but once it became obvious just where it was leading and what it was costing us - as an artist my position became clear. People who are still 'testing', 'trialing' or 'experimenting' with Plagiarist software with conscious avoidance have no integrity as an Artist. If someone chooses to accept what the software has been built upon and continues to be used for, they need to check their priorities.
There are people who tried the Professional Art route, and yet when floundered use AI as a fallback plan. I see this as no less than hypocritic. This may be called Innovation as it's 'New', but it's not an Improvement. I don't give a shit about commercial art, it's besides the point. As an artist in an artist space, AI has no place. Tracing is a 'tool', but AI Generative Imaging is not being used as a 'tool', it's being marketed as a means of production, ignoring the expense.
Perhaps the issue is Art is an emotional media and some people just struggle perceive it.
It's a carousel of Red Flags to me, supporting Plagiarist Software. Even if people are covering their arses by saying "Well, there's no going back now, better get used to it", it still doesn't have a place here. In Art Spaces.
We will war it out with commercial clients, one battle at a time.