Crimson CHOW#55_Solara Summertime Fairy
Darktiste Very good explanations and answer indeed. I understand what you are saying about 3D being a trap but also being very beneficial if used correctly. I also relate very much to what you said about having a strong sketching foundation to visualize good ideas. I feel very strongly that being a good draftsman and be able to produce proper drawing and is the strongest skill a visual artist can have, from there it is delving into the other fundamentals and forever honing and sharpening skills there to really try and perfect ones image making abilities the best as possible. We are all forever students and can only keep getting better and better.

I hope you finally have earned your way to having a good working machine. I worked on shitty equipment for years, typical trials and tribulations of the creative dedicating most of their time to their craft opposed to being so money focused or being able to make adequate funds as a visual creator. I see this happen to many good creatives whether in the visual arts or music where they end up having basic or poor equipment but they are extremely talented and gifted individuals, while others who are not a fraction talented are blessed with having the money for the latest and greatest technology; it's an interesting phenomenon in the creative realms I see all too often.

I worked in Carrara 5 Pro and Zbrush 9 many moons ago, going back into the early 2000's. I thought the 3D definitely had potential but did really enjoy the work flow. I found it interesting to be able to digitally sculpt but I think I would rather be sculpting in real life to be honest. Obviously the pros of working digitally per usual are no cost of supplies aside from your working machine and software investment, no waiting for clay to dry, and no worries about storage and where you will continue to store it as you make more creations, so that is where working with a program like Zbrush I found very beneficial.

I see how AI can present very good opportunities especially in the form of using it for reference, but I make the personal choice not to use it and fall back on classic studies from books and videos, along with photo referencing and sometimes crafting models or maquette's for reference as James Gurney describes in his Imaginary Book. I really just enjoy the process of drawing and painting but am seeing how that is getting phased out quickly with further development of the AI. I don't care though because I look at my life as just temporary period of time and I want to spend it doing what I enjoy as much as possible; life is too fragile and short to live it miserably or discontent if you don't have to.

Here is some 3D fused with digital painting I did back in 2010. I used Zbrush to do some of the initial sculpting and then digitally painted over the Spider model. I was very big into drawing creatures back then and was a big participator of Conceptart.orgs C.O.W. (Creature of the Week) forum. 

To all artists struggling to create and are intimidated by A.I. (anti-imagination)
Sun "Everything has been done, but not by you" Sun

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RE: Crimson CHOW#55_Solara Summertime Fairy - by Lege1 - 08-27-2024, 06:10 AM

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