Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Hi Daggers — long time no see. 


Zvarthav:  Thanks so much for your positive feedback on the 'Almost Home' and 'Model C - Breakdown' — glad you like 'em.

I understand you are both a beginner artist and somewhat new to the forum (and come across as a young-in) so I'll offer what I hope is a gentle critique about your the rest of your critique:

The Cave Man image you reference was in my FIRST post when I first signed up here SEVEN pages, 150 or so of my original character concepts, and FIVE YEARS ago.  You just repeated what Fedodika wrote — which I answered completely and immediately after his post.  So there's nothing more I need to say regarding that.

I will say though that you need to learn the language of art.  What you wrote is the equivalent of a restaurant review about a meal you were served FIVE years ago that was yucky and just ewww and then linking to a recipe/restaurant you like better.  It's pointless. 

So until you learn the language of art and grow a lot more as an artist I ask you — please don't post any more comments here.  Thanks 


smrr:  Thank you so much!  Odd World hadn't come across my radar and I checked it out.  Cool schtuff!  I LOVE what you're doing so really appreciate your kind words.

Thanks again!


So here's some new and old art.  I'll start with one I finished earlier this month but had some internet issues that have kept me off-line.

Ever heard the phrase: 'You can't stop a bird from flying over your head — but you can keep it from making a nest in your hair'?


Here's the old sketch — I think from 2019 or so:

In 2019 I watched all the Boris Karloff 'Frankenstein' movies and sketched a weary 'Frank' coming home from a long day at work and just got around to painting that sketch and adding an appropriate back-ground.

Same pic with values pushed (I'll delete one after I check them out on another monitor):

Here's the 2019 sketch though I think my painting lost some of the personality of that pencil. 

BTW — If you enjoy old B&W noir I suggest your check out The invisible Man, The Werewolf (with Lon Chaney Jr), and the first Frankenstein — masterpieces in my book.


Here's a WIP I just started:

An' some older stuff I haven't shared here yet:

'Alvin the Barbarian' (from 2017) — worked up from a photo study — but today I'd not worry about including his junk.  : )

And another from 2017 — I used Bing translate for the Japanese — so I hope it doesn't just end up being nonsense.

And a photo I took on our recent long-horn bunny drive. 

That's it for me.  Thanks for looking in.

Ciao Daggers!


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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! - by Jephyr - 7 hours ago

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