donm: Year One
For my first Deathline, I'm going to focus on:

1. Finish something every week - I have a problem with finishing and rendering any piece I start. It has something to do with being afraid of ruining the vitality of it and having a small low resolution laptop screen, which will be fixed shortly.

2.Sketch every day - I've been pretty good about this, but want to be addicted to churning out tons of sketches, thumbnails, master copies, and photo studies.

3.Health - physical, financial, mental: I've been putting off exercising, healthy eating, and social interaction since having to move across the country and back this past year. I am now, since selling the car and moving in with a friend, in a position to be able to afford simple things like local painting/drawing classes and figure drawing sessions at local workshops like TLC and Gage Academy. I desperately need art buddies to help me stay passionate about studying. I need to maintain my physical health with proper nutrition and exercise so that bouts of depression won't seep in.

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donm: Year One - by donm - 01-02-2013, 08:10 AM

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