01-26-2013, 01:40 AM
(01-25-2013, 04:38 PM)leonardZC Wrote: hey man i really like your texture spheres it looks like you put quite the effort into them :D i want to give you a bit of a critic on your figures tho, the overall figure its well in its proportions and how you build the form but your poses are way too stiff, exaggerate them even more, its one of the great tools we have to push what we want to say, you ahve to make it as clear as possible, after all the message of what the drawing is telling people is the most important thing, so ask yourself always, how can i make this movement clear, what is this telling the viewer what do I want to say with this drawing what emotions are involved and how can i enchance them, either way very good work keep it up!
Thank you. I am always open for critique since I don't know what I don't know. I've always struggled with the poses and exaggeration, every time I try to exaggerate I get the comment, "Your proportions look wrong." So, I think I really need to find how far I can push a pose as well as making sure the proportions stay in balance. Man, that's a task! The frustration of art is always so enjoyable! :-)