Natalie Becker - Bloodsport Challenges
looking good! loving the comp, my suggestion would be like adding some layers of fog in the background to create some depth ,its looking too focused in my opinion I did a quick paintover,
a backlight for the main character would help a lot I think but I am sure you were gonna paint it anyway, I also used a blue color layer with a very low opacity on the secondary characters to blend them more with the environment and too add more focus to the main character....I think sorry not an expert just trying to help :) maybe try adding some warmer colors to the foreground to create some contrast everything is looking very bluish right now I think
keep it up and I hope some of what I said made some sense.

Messages In This Thread
Natalie Becker - Bloodsport Challenges - by Natalie_Becker - 01-31-2012, 04:17 AM
RE: Natalie Becker - Bloodsport Challenges - by Natalie_Becker - 02-06-2012, 03:06 PM
RE: Natalie Becker - Bloodsport Challenges - by CanisPanthera - 02-07-2012, 01:34 AM
RE: Natalie Becker - Bloodsport Challenges - by Natalie_Becker - 02-08-2012, 02:58 PM
RE: Natalie Becker - Bloodsport Challenges - by gyork - 02-08-2012, 04:23 PM

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