You guys will bear witness to the goals I am about to set. So if I fail, I will know that not only have I disappointed myself, but I will feel great shame knowing that others saw my promises which I did not follow through on. I will do the best that I can to keep these goals in mind. Because I need this, it will make me happy, and stronger.

1. Start working on drawing more at night: Now maybe this one might be debatable, depending on who you ask. But I think that I sleep way too much. I normally am very good about getting my eight hours. But success requires sacrifice. How successful I am depends on how much I am willing to sacrifice to get where I want to be.

Night time is a great time to draw and generally be creative. No one bothering you, nobody interrupting you while you work. I see this as ideal study time.

2. Push myself beyond my comfort zone.

Lately I have decided that I'm goin for broke. I'm putting 110% into my studying, and I am gonna make sure that I draw every single fucking day until my grip is strong enough to crush diamonds. I wanna get into the habit of constantly pushing myself on a daily basis. Not just in drawing, though that is where I enjoy putting in the most effort, but in all aspects of my life.

3. Get a god damn job

Yes, an art job is important, but how am I gonna finance myself until I get there? Working a job you didn't go to school for can suck, but it ain't good not to have something to do day in and day out. Working at least helps the day go by faster, and not to mention that having money is nice so that you can occasionally treat yourself. I am not talking about money for a house, just so that I can save up for things on the side. I know that mentally I'll feel a lot better about myself and my situation if I can get some kind of employment, at least until I get good enough at drawing that I can make money with that.

4. Get fuckin healthy

I tell myself I'm always gonna eat better, that I'm always gonna work out and watch my weight, and I never fucking do. That changes today. I am only hurting myself if I don't change my habits. Find myself a gym, get a workout schedule together, do whatever I have to do.

5. Have some serious improvement in my drawing skills by the end of 2013.

This. I want to see progress. And the only way I know I am gonna see significant progress in this amount of time is if I haul ass. Like everything else I've listed above, that requires sacrifice, commitment, and getting out of my comfort zone. If I am gonna be a concept artist, I gotta make sure that I have the skills to do the job.

I wanna look back on these goals and know with absolute confidence that I committed the time and effort into them making them happen. If I fail I can only blame myself.

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D-D-D-D DEATHLINE 2013 - by unlimitedbacon - 03-09-2013, 01:43 PM
RE: D-D-D-D DEATHLINE 2013 - by Nexuun - 03-09-2013, 02:07 PM

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