No illustrator, but writer
Hi there Crimson Daggers,

I'm Sarah and basically no illustrator or artist. I'd like to be part of the community, though. I earn a living from writing in all different kinds. And I want to become awesome in it! So I guess I will fit here in, too.

I got registered because Melanie told me about this new thing, the Gyms'n Daggers. Apart from my goal to become an awesome writer creating thrilling fantasy, I have a goal to lose about 150 lbs in 2013 and 2014. That's why I'm also here.

In addition, Melanie is my beloved partner. I am closer to an artists lifestyle than you might think :-).

So, let's get awesome.....


Messages In This Thread
No illustrator, but writer - by sarahblackwhite91 - 03-10-2013, 05:18 PM
RE: No illustrator, but writer - by Chong Li - 03-10-2013, 08:52 PM

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