Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas?
Hey man, you seem like you're unwilling to change things at this stage, but maybe I can help for next time.

Do anatomy studies. Lots of them. I still don't see you doing any of these though you told me you were going to? This is the only thing that will help you get better. If you don't do them you're just shooting yourself in the foot.

First thing for any character is to get your pose, anatomy and silhouette down in the gesture / blocking out stage before you even start to do ANY rendering. If you think you're wasting time fiddling around getting it right at that stage let me tell you you waste a lot more time by having to fix rendered things than if it was just a basic form. Post for crit on your gesture and basic anatomy if you can't see and fix the issues yourself. (which you won't be able to because you haven't studied anatomy enough) Asking for crit at a stage where you can't fix things is kinda pointless.

Don't agree to complete concepts in a timeframe that you can't actually do a good job in. I know you're just doing it for an indie for little or no pay but you don't want to start bad habits now. If they aren't giving you enough time for you to do a good job, then let them know you need more time. By agreeing to shortened timeframes in which you are not able to do a good job, you're basically teaching yourself that it's ok to do mediocre work. DO NOT teach yourself to be mediocre!

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but you know I'm just straight up as always. Get your priorities straight now in your approach and in your fundamentals and you'll benefit from that in the long run. :)

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by JabyReART - 03-12-2013, 01:06 AM
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by Amit Dutta - 03-12-2013, 11:29 AM
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by JabyReART - 03-12-2013, 06:10 PM
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by manlybrian - 03-13-2013, 04:35 PM

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