Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas?
Yo, ok so muscle study is good, but before that definitely comes line of action and gesture. This is your pose. Your entire figure can be recognizable in the first 30s to two minutes of your gesture drawing, which is why you should do hundreds of these. It is also why they are so much fun; it is amazing how only a few lines can imply so much. If you focus on getting your proportions and balance right at this stage it will be that much easier when it comes to blocking it out.
After that how much you know about the skeletal system, the muscles and joints and your ability to render form really come into play, and you will struggle because it is a lot to know. I struggle like heck and I've done a lot of study...but it does get easier...just do those studies. Post them here in a sketchbook thread and send me a link to it so i can subscribe. That way you will have a view of your improvement over time unlike on dA, and I can kick your ass when you aren't doing anything.
Can't really help you on pose sites..lovecastle is one, got a few others somewhere. dA has lots of good reference material. Just random google searches? I'd say a better idea is to get a sketchbook, and do quick drawings of people wherever you are. Better than any pose anatomy site and you learn to work quickly because people are so damn jiggly and move around a lot. :)
Don't compare your skill and time to do things with other people. You are the one delivering the work, so you need to determine how long you need. Speed isn't important at your stage of learning, being conscientious and studying and working hard is. Speed will come with time and experience.

We now all expect to see gesture sheets and silhouettes for your next character development to crit them at an early stage. You can't escape now. :p

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by JabyReART - 03-12-2013, 01:06 AM
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by Amit Dutta - 03-15-2013, 06:11 AM
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by JabyReART - 03-12-2013, 06:10 PM
RE: Zombie Boss Concept- any finishing tips/ideas? - by manlybrian - 03-13-2013, 04:35 PM

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