03-22-2013, 07:47 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time to look, I really appreciate it. I'm trying to work on a few more fantasy paintings (as opposed to fantasy scifi) and a few more portraits, I guess all the remaining i'd like feed back on, but i think the weakest are these 2 Fenrisian smile, and Ravenguard, and the strongest one is the battle scene, but i've been told its even more important to get crit on what you think is strongest so I've added that as well. The clown has some issues with the cheek, and back line/shoulder, so i'll try and fix that, and the creature, a few sharper lines to the carapace at the top...i went a little over board with soft edges on it XD. Cheekily, do you have any suggestions for what's missing..I would like to produce a broad ish spread of art, cover all bases so to speak. Again thank you, I've now removed the weakest paintings
eeugh, muppet here misread your request XD just a crit on the battle scene lol sorry, still half asleep