Hayy! C:
Howdy, dear people from the crimson daggers-boards!
My name is Mike, I´m 22 (recently had birthday, which is why i try not to get toooo worked up about already being 22 >_<) and i live in Austria! Over the past 2 years I´ve been studying rights at a University in Vienna(though i hate it and just started it, as my parents urged me to. i´ve been fooling myself, as drawing is actually the only thing i can genuinly enjoy in life )
I´ve always been into art( I used to be a huge manga-fan, as an artist called Ogure Ito once inspired me to pick up a pen and just try to find out,where it might take me, though i kinda got lost on track), but never enough to actually strife for some higher planes of artistic skills. Though i feel bad about this by now, i recently (May´11) stumbled upon an artist named Xia Taptara who got me genuinly interested in digital arts by his natural flow of working and creating inspiring pieces. Starting from that point on, I found myself scribbling and doodling much more regularly, while also scavenging through the intrawebs in search of more inspiration to keep myself motivated. Somewhere around that point i found out about studios such as sixmorevodka and massive black and came to know the works of other digital artists through sites lke cghub.com (where I´m still just lurking, as I´m not that confident yet to post something). >_<

I found out about this site while browsing through deviantart, and decided I wanted to be part of a serious group of artists for once to broaden my knowledge and improve myself not only as an artist, but also as a human being, striving after the same dreams together with other art-inspired people!

My aim is to become an awesome game-artist one day and reach my personal limit of artistic expression and overcome it. :< I want to feel more alive than before and share this experience with you from now on!

ps: i´d like to leave a link to me deviantart-gallery, so you can get yourself a picture where i stand now :D http://d3athb3rrymon.deviantart.com/

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Hayy! C: - by d3athb3rrymon - 02-20-2012, 10:40 PM

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