The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Toxicpanda:primarily i'd like to draw mainly people and monsters, but i enjoy drawing both enviorments and people, i'm leaning towards studying people and form at the moment though as i think they're my weakest spots at the moment.

thanks for bringing that skickbrush class to my attention, looks great, i'm currently trying to get through a bunch of paid tutorials from ctrl paint and andrew loomis's anatomy book, but after i've finished them i'll look into sickbrush's class.

I don't usually draw outside on the bus and the like find it distracting drawing around other people, but my search for a local life drawing class has come up empty and drawing from life is important so I should probbly just bite the bullet and do it.

Damien Levs:Thanks man I think studying form has really improved my drawings
your right about the ellipse excersises, gotta keep practicing them i've been ignoring them for way to long.

Egh have'nt been able to do much recently, i've been getting really bad hayfever and it's sucking the life out of me at the moment so i've had a difficult time drawing and pretty much doing anything.
Also have'nt got any work done on it yet but i'm taking part in the summer project I have a clear idea of what I want to do, my birthdays also coming up so i'll be able to finally buy a new tablet :).

Okay first some work on foreshortening relize how wonky some of these are, but I think i got a pretty decent grasp on how to do foreshortening
[Image: N6GOd5s.png]
[Image: NyjM52G.png]
This was an interesting assignment, imaginary still life's, had a bit of a brain fart and only thought I could put two vanishing points for all the objects though.
[Image: gleLkpg.png]
[Image: JEBfQ76.png]
some anatomy sketches from memory
[Image: 2nnhdWh.png]
and a sketch of a pigman, was gonna put this guy in a background but it did'nt work out well so i've just drawn him like this, gonna go back and draw him in with a background soon though i'm just having trouble drawing building's and areas when the perspective is close up rather then a farther away shot.
[Image: aOTKZCf.png]

Thats all for now hoping I can get back into my regular routine after this hayfever goes away.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 06-25-2013, 11:44 AM

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