What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook)
Yay I'm back! Hopefully I'll be able to go back to weekly, but its going to be tough. Miles new daily sketch streaming schedule (http://livestream.com/miles_) has inspired me to get shit done again, especially with right now work not involving drawing or painting much at all. I'm pretty sure I've got a handle on that, but if in a month i realize nothing much has changed with that, I'll make sure the necessary changes happens. I have a goal of about 5 studies and 5 sketches a week. With this work now, I have to wake up at 5am to get a study in before I head off. But those sketches will be the real tough stuff. I managed to do 3 last week, so maybe that will end up being all that I can handle, but if Miles can manage one a day I'm sure i can do 5 over a week.

Here's most of the stuff I could find from when I went dark.

[Image: MantidScoutProcess_zpscdaf0fe2.jpg]
[Image: theproblemworkflow_zpsc304c35f.jpg]
[Image: TheProblem110613large_zps2abc2fc5.jpg]

I found I could make some processes shots from all the saves I made. Both were approached way differently, but the way I usually approach stuff is the line method thing on the bloodsports piece. I'd like to keep messing with both ways, probably more with the Rigney monochrome kinda stuff, because it did feel a little funner, and it feels like it could be brought to similar speeds, if not faster.

[Image: 215_zpsa7af317f.jpg]

[Image: 216_zps4fb31dbf.jpg]

[Image: 217_zps9c4d534d.jpg]
Zorn limited pallete study. Tried mixing from only the 4? Zorn colors in Photoshop. Felt strange, but it kinda works. Especially if you use the lab color mode, seems to mix colors better.

[Image: 218_zps0b4552ed.jpg]
Memory testing

[Image: 219_zpse1b64d82.jpg]
[Image: 220_zps338027c4.jpg]
[Image: 221_zps972ea5c1.jpg]
Moar anatomy

Here start all the morning studies. Mostly just movie stills. Try guess all the movies!

[Image: 1_zps56f72224.jpg]
Here is the first morning study. I really didn't like it, so I thought I would do some studies of...
[Image: 2_zps481f7afd.jpg]
Jama Jurabaev! He really emphasises brushwork and gesture, so I thought he would be a prime target to find out what I was missing. The answer was brushwork and gesture xD. More specifically, make your brushwork follow that gesture.
[Image: 3_zps53e6bba8.jpg]
[Image: 4_zps76d584f4.jpg]
[Image: 5_zps76f872f4.jpg]
I like how this one
[Image: 6_zpsef3e554c.jpg]
And this one turned out
[Image: 7_zps9c8ae64b.jpg]
This one was weird, I think I was a little too slow and didn't 'finish it' because I had to go to work. It's the best way to force a time limit, having to catch a bus.

Here are the sketches I managed to do

[Image: iiuyil_zpsea61ce3a.jpg]
Shitty drawing, but was the first one.

[Image: kuyluyl_zpsae30f678.jpg]
Hard surfaces are horrible to paint quick. I need to practice :(. This sketching is all making me realize how terrible I am.

[Image: chihiyafurufanart_zps244c5399.jpg]
Fan-art because its fun. Had heaps of trouble with color for this one, because I had a pretty established black and white thing. Not even monochrome, just this black and white that felt really hard to push out of.

K I'll try aim for weekly sketchbook again, 5 studies and 5 sketches. And maybe some kind of streaming next week in the morning. Not maybe, defiantly.


Messages In This Thread
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt today (Sketchbook) - by KyleScary - 04-27-2012, 02:15 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by stace - 07-16-2012, 08:25 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by FOERVRAENGD - 07-23-2012, 10:30 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by DanilleG - 09-11-2012, 10:17 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by kevin - 09-12-2012, 12:38 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by deerandfox - 09-17-2012, 04:57 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by Fännek - 10-22-2012, 10:27 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by Fei Ou - 11-26-2012, 03:23 PM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by kaikaisushi - 04-16-2013, 02:25 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by ImSkeptical - 07-02-2013, 07:50 AM
RE: What ImSkeptical learnt this week (Sketchbook) - by Brawk - 07-12-2013, 03:57 AM

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