My humble entry
Hello community of Crimson Daggers,

My name is Robert Buber. I am a young artist entering my junior year at the lovely College for Creative Studies in Detroit. Outside of college, I do all my work in isolation since that network is gone over the summer. I've been wanting to join an online creative community such as Crimson Daggers for a while, but my procrastination and Facebook make doing new things so hard. So now I've done it and I'm here. Hopefully, I can stay focused enough to show what I'm working on and see what you guys are up to. Fun times ahead in brand new lands!

Thanks for having me,
R. Buber

Messages In This Thread
My humble entry - by Buber - 07-12-2013, 05:29 PM
RE: My humble entry - by smrr - 07-15-2013, 12:12 PM

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