Aspiring Digital artist
-Needs help learning Programs and Shortcuts
-Needs help learning to paint digitally
-Would like learn from all of you, and eventually join the masses of digital artists.

Hey guys, this is sails. I am excited to use this site as a learning block for my newly purchased Intous Pro. I aspire to create original digital art through photoshop CS6 and incorporate said art into my reference portfolio for oil painting and graphite drawing. However all art i create with my tablet will also be documented and used as album art, graphic art, wallpapers, ect. I would love to create animation, however i do not yet feel i have that skill set.

Style: Freelance, City, Indie, Thought Provoking, Architectural

Inspiration: Aragah, Supakitch and Koralie, Mr. Suicide Sheep Playlists, Full Metal Alchemist, Francisco Goya, and many more


Messages In This Thread
Aspiring Digital artist - by Quilt∆Sails - 09-04-2013, 03:24 PM
RE: Aspiring Digital artist - by Enigmasflame - 09-05-2013, 04:41 AM
RE: Aspiring Digital artist - by missimoinsane - 09-07-2013, 10:05 AM

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