Seeking crits about comp and ideas for colors
First, you did not need to upload that at actual size. It'll eventually shrink to fit the forum, but my computer still has to load that thing up.

Cut it down to 25% of actual size. Please no more than that.

Moving on, there's too much negative space. I think you should think about moving the character to the left and cutting out a huge chunk of the right.

Or you can just add more monsters for the character to be up against to show off how badass he is.

What is the deal with the skeletons, by the way?

I can barely see the army he's up against. You could make the bad guys in the background much more pronounced, maybe closer to the camera, and add more villains in the foreground to give a sense of the character being truly surrounded.

If the beholder really matters, I think it should be closer. And make sure those eye beams look like beams.

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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RE: Seeking crits about comp and ideas for colors - by Psychotime - 09-06-2013, 10:56 AM

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