Thanks :)

AJCC - I like to do both! I like 20minute ones, I like 1hour ones, 2hour ones, some times I will spend 2-3days on one, like a still life. They all teach you different things. At the moment I am limiting my "study time" because I need to concentrate on other stuff. So I limit it to an hour or two a day. You learn how to paint quicker with the 20minute ones because you have to simplify and work out tricks to get the illusion of detail. This then feeds in to your longer work, and so everything becomes faster. Either way balance it all and don't just do quick OR long. Both ftw.


Took a day off yesterday, saw John Carter, I loved much of the Art, mainly the environment stuff, especially some of the interiors. Must be a real skill knowing how to make them impactful on a huge screen, I noticed many simple shapes. I have a tendancy to just overdo stuff and I think for a lot of the cinematic stuff, less is more. It must be so awesome for the designers to see this stuff on the big screen, a real unique experience to see the work of your wacom and stylus that large. Any how I have ordered the Artbook and hope to see lots of goodies. I found the costume design pretty meh, standard mid eastern style decorative stuff, which is what I like but didn't find any of it very original. As a film, well I am indifferent - it was avatar, but not as annoying - very watchable. Some aspects reminded of the very first star wars film, it had "something" about it, like a collection of lots of little quirks and stuff which made it stand out somewhat from the pack of the films I've seen in the past year or so.

Lol, ok so this turned into a film review. Anyhoooo, I think either way if your an Artist in all these "entertainment" type fields, deffo worth checking out.

Today's stuff,

Caught up on yesterday's study, JC Leyendecker, 1h

[Image: line1.jpg]

Today's study 3x 20min Kandinsky

[Image: kanall.jpg]

Here's a funny chap I started, he's going to have some kind of electronic flying pet. I was thinking of the "Sci Fi Hunter with Pet" theme from an old challenge. But might do something else instead. This was originally meant to be applied for the Leyendecker but turned out a bit different, I learnt a lot in that little study though.

[Image: fatty1.jpg]

This is my Kandinsky inspired brain fartage

[Image: porty111me2rrrge.jpg]

[Image: porty111merrrge.jpg]

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