The De-Valuation of Art?
Well I just noticed on deviant art here - Getty-Liberation-of-Masterpieces-as-Open-Content and read the article and first thought well thats great for us to study etc but then there is this part 'The museum is literally “beaming up” the great works in its collection as living resources within the arts themselves, for study, for sheer personal pleasure and, remarkably, as free visual resources available to any artist or business anywhere for anything and for free!'

So potentially any company could use the art from these images in any profitable way that they want and this in turn means they no longer would need to pay an artist for original work.

I really feel like this is devaluing what we do as artists, for study purposes this would be great but they are making the HD images available for any use without asking for permission or needing to pay them anything.

With the companies already trying to 'farm' artists and their ideas with competitions (sometimes the winner is not even paid they just get to see their work on a vehicle or something like that, and the companies usually own the rights to all work submitted) I just feel like this is the next step in that cycle.

I would like to know what are the other daggers thoughts on this.

So what do you think about this daggers?


Messages In This Thread
The De-Valuation of Art? - by JonHop - 09-15-2013, 08:54 PM
RE: The De-Valuation of Art? - by Psychotime - 09-15-2013, 10:12 PM
RE: The De-Valuation of Art? - by JonHop - 09-15-2013, 11:13 PM
RE: The De-Valuation of Art? - by Psychotime - 09-15-2013, 11:37 PM

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