[SWILM] DD sketchbook
Crimson Daggers! I've drifted onto your blood drenched shores and what I have discovered gives me goosebumps and nervous gas.

I dig this study group. I love watching the mentors paint and seeing all you youngins grow as artists. Last month I did a February daily draw and I unleashed something inside of me that can only be told in song! "I Am Immortal! I Have Inside Me Blood and Things. Yeah! something, something, guitar solo!".

I'm going to try to dump all my daily: paintings, studies, sketchbook doodles, and love into this here post. First spam will be from my Feb DD. I'd also prefer your creative criticism, no matter how picky, it helps you too(findyourwords).

[Image: feb12_day1_sml.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day2.png]
[Image: feb12_day3.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day4.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day5.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day6.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day7.1.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day10.5.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day11.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day7.2.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day12_13.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day14.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day15.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day22.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day23.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day24.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day29.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day29b.jpg]
[Image: feb12_day29c.jpg]

I apologize for such a big dumping of images, this will be my only time doing such a large dump.

This is what I'm working on now in Photoshop.
[Image: DDMarch7_2012.jpg]
I don't know where I'm going with this; it's more about exploring new colour choices at the moment.

Messages In This Thread
[SWILM] DD sketchbook - by swilm - 03-15-2012, 08:56 AM
RE: [SWILM] DD sketchbook - by swilm - 03-16-2012, 05:03 PM
RE: [SWILM] DD sketchbook - by JTAArt - 03-17-2012, 01:36 PM
RE: [SWILM] DD sketchbook - by swilm - 03-21-2012, 02:01 AM

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