[oil/canvas] Trouble depicting forest-y mountains
For painting trees you could do much worse than check out Bob Ross or William Alexander on youtube. I'm not sure that trees are really the best place to experiment with glazing. Also fat over lean means that you should put oil paint thinned with linseed or walnut oil on top of oil thinned with solvent but not the other way around as it would crack (solvent thinned oil paint dries faster than oil thinned oil paint.)

PS: When I tell you to watch Bob Ross, I don't mean that you should do like him and not use reference and do kitsch cliché landscape, I'm only talking about his use of brushes for texture and layering. I learned a lot about fan brush and spackled textures from him.


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RE: [oil/canvas] Trouble depicting forest-y mountains - by ChantalFournier - 12-20-2013, 12:47 PM

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