[oil/canvas] Trouble depicting forest-y mountains
Yeah I got the foliage frame thing from your first go. I guess the problem with not painting plein air is that you have to make everything up and you are completely reliant on your reference and your vision. So you really don't want to use bad references! If you look at the reference image of the foliage frame itself; It's a terrible photo in terms of composition as well as value, as are most of the other images. Also different exposures lighting conditions etc.
That's where vision comes in. If you don't have the vision and you are reliant on your ref, then chances are you are going to get lost.

I'm not sure you did any underpainting or value sketching or thumbnails before hand, but this would be a non negotiable step if you aren't working from life. You could probably get away with it if you were.

Besides the other points I'm attaching just a quick demo of your comp. It's split in two and trails off at the bottom.

This is a basic fundamentals issue. Sorry I don't want to be a downer, but I guess especially when you are using traditional you really have to do your prep work up front. Digital you can be a bit lazier, but not much!

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RE: [oil/canvas] Trouble depicting forest-y mountains - by Amit Dutta - 12-26-2013, 08:12 PM

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