Questions about increasing study efficiency
Hey everyone,

This will be my first post as a "Crimson Dagger" so I apologize if this isn't exactly the most correct place to post these concerns.

How do I increase study effectiveness?
I know that it is paramount to always be studying and sort of comprehending the elements of the images you're studying from. So how do I properly take as much as possible from the image? Do I simply look at it, paint it, and pray that everything subconsciously sinks in? Or do I constantly ask myself, "Well, why does that look like that?" and try to put what I learned into an imaginative piece right after the study?
Now that I type this out, the answer seems pretty fucking obvious.. ha ha
But, I mean.. I wake up, paint, and go to bed. I'm a 19 year-old whose social life has completely vanished, ha ha. So my concern is that I am not utilizing the time I have wisely.

How do you guys go about applying the things you learn from your studies?

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Questions about increasing study efficiency - by Gavinchi - 01-05-2014, 12:53 PM

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