Validity of style choice? (or something like that:) )
Okay, so, over the time, I have developed a genuine love (although still unrequited, but ok:D ) for the anime stylization in general. I do think it's not a simple teen crush (as I am well past those:) ) and I've decided to pursue it.

Some general direction I want to follow would be anime(ish) character design. Of course, I plan to generally get better as an artist in all the relevant fields, so hopefully I would be able to produce other types of artwork and concepts, when and if needed. But, I believe that my dream job would be to design characters in somewhat anime fashion and be "that anime character guy" basically.

Now, my dilemma isn't about how to practice it or anything, but more about could it pay off?

I mean, I've a feeling that the niche of both clients and artists you should get in is very specific in a way. Bunch of anime artists are either from Japan or from Korea and a lot of them don't speak english, don't need to speak english, their clients are also asian companies, that also don't need to employ westerners etc. I don't know if I'm aware of some successful western artists that favor the somewhat anime style (Gonzalo Ordonez perhaps? I don't know). Do companies that need anime artwork employ westerners (freelance or in house)... Only company I can think of is Applibot maybe... Are there western companies that favor that stylistic approach... etc.

Now, I am aware that I would probably never be able to understand and convey some of the finer cultural specifics in my work - which is not my intent either. I am just getting this aspect out of the way so you wouldn't get that impression. I mean, I know that you have to be japanese and wait for japanese bus at the japanese bus stop from the age of six to be able to get the grasp of the authentic feel and work on something like a full setting for some authentic anime product, by japanese for japanese. It's understandable and it's basically like that for every culture out there and it's something that isn't part of my dilemma. So no, I am not trying to "weaboo" myself there or something:) I do like the culture, yes, but I am also rational and not a kid, so long story short, that is not what I've been wondering about, but felt the need to disclaim it as it maybe might seem that way if I don't:)
I am generally talking about applying the anime aesthetics to the character design or doing magazine covers in that fashion, character concepts for video games, visual novels and stuff like that.

So, what do you guys think about this subject? How do you see the situation now, how do you see it in the future, is there some info I should be aware of etc?

Thanks in advance:)

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Validity of style choice? (or something like that:) ) - by Doolio - 01-12-2014, 09:33 PM

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