A bunch of more or less recent paintings
(01-27-2014, 02:43 AM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: You should do what works for you since everyones different but dont be afraid to try new approaches. "If you do things the way you've always done them you'll always get what you always got." Not sure who said that but its got a lot of truth to it. Try merging your 3 approaches into one longer process. James Gurney has a good book on this subject called Imaginative Realism. Also this video by Will Terrell shows a good way of using reference effectively and building toward the more creative side of things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOK2sDLtu2Q

You should consider starting a sketchbook thread here too. It can be a load of help to get feed back not only on your finished work but your process leading up to finished work as well.

heyy again :)
i just checked the video out and i find it very very helpful! thank you! :D
i bought a sketchbook recently but.. i mean.. i started to sketch a little but i just feel so frustrated since i really really REALLY suck at sketching- really. i guess it all comes down to practice but you also need to bring up the strength to leave your own comfort zone- thats why you shouldn't expect any sketchy stuff of me over here any time soon :P

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RE: A bunch of more or less recent paintings - by Creatisity - 01-27-2014, 09:24 AM

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