CRIMSON ARENA 1 - Son of Zeus -FINALS thread
Great Work everybody!!
Madzia- wonderful execution and brushwork!

Crackedskull- love the mammoth statue!

tekkoontan- love the sexy female figures you've rendered, very soft touch to them, nice work!

EduardoGaray- Nice character man! She's a trooper!

PabloNotPicasso- love the owl as well as your painterly style!

futurespaceghost- nice work! Love the half demon stuff, I would like to try a character like that.

JJ Aaron- Love the mood! good job

Mannyhaatz- Lovin the cloth man!

Taldarin- Love the mood and glowing effects, nice work!

goodsir- Nice armor, love the concept!

Darantha- nice colors and cloth!! really nice cloth!

Here is my finish, I don't really have any influence pics for armor or mood other then the stuff that was posted in the beginning thread as an example. I do look at other work because I too easily rip other off without even thinking about it so I don't want any influences popping in to my head so I can try to stay original. I did pump up the Ares a little because I actually did look at a few Ares and noticed that he is a god and a powerful one so you have to treat him as such.


Messages In This Thread
RE: CRIMSON ARENA 1 - Son of Zeus -FINALS thread - by tekkoontan - 03-19-2014, 05:49 AM
RE: CRIMSON ARENA 1 - Son of Zeus -FINALS thread - by Taldarin - 03-20-2014, 04:10 AM
RE: CRIMSON ARENA 1 - Son of Zeus -FINALS thread - by Trevor S. - 03-20-2014, 07:19 AM
RE: CRIMSON ARENA 1 - Son of Zeus -FINALS thread - by Taldarin - 03-27-2014, 08:13 AM

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