how do you manage social media and external influences on your art?
twitter is not the same but very very similar to fb in terms of amount of useless information. Is maybe faster to check updates but still is a pile of unimportant things.
Tumblr is awesome but how you said, tumblr not exactly works like others one. Great for sharing but lack of comments cuts of other ways of communication. Same with Pinterest.
I'm really happy to hear all you opinions. I was sure I'm hurting myself by not participating enough in social media. But if almost no one see benefits, that convince me I don't need it that much.
What do you think about hangout? It's active and you can draw at the same time. (Is it only me cuz I have horrible difficulty to focus on talking and drawing at the same time :p) I like to hangout with friends, but entering public chat rooms often ends awkward. ppl gossip or operate in long ago established jokes that I don't understand...


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RE: how do you manage social media and external influences on your art? - by Madzia - 03-27-2014, 08:32 PM

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