The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
EduardoGaray:Yeah I struggled for a good hour or two trying to get the face right buut the resemblance is there so it was'nt a total failure XD, as you said the rest of the piece came out well though.

Tygerson:Thanks. I think the messed up face was more a proportions problem then anything else, I had the same problem with the old man study a little while back, gonna try and pay alot more attention to the face proportions on the next portrait painting I study.

Hypnagogic Haze:Hey! thanks for dropping by. Was'nt actually sure lately if my study methods have been that effective, arts such a slow skill to learn that it's sorta hard to tell sometimes so it's helpful to hear that you think i'm on the right track :).
Been thinking about maybe livestreaming recently as i've been doing alot of digital art, not really sure if it's worth it yet though, it seems like a good way to talk with other artists outside of forums plus it'd keep me working as I would'nt be able to be lazy and go play dark souls or something.

I have some traditional stuff to upload but i'm to tired to right now so heres my digital stuff recently, both wips, need to get back to that Siren project actually.

Composition study 06
Measuring all this out took a damn lifetime(3-4 hours...slight overstatement), but yeah tried do what I did last piece and seperated most of the light and dark, I think alot of the details in the back are a bit off in value and proportion, i'm gonna go over and check them again at the end.
Honestly these pieces are hard for me to work on, theres so many details and shapes spread out in them it's hard to focus which is the reason i think I messed up the landscape one so bad, all the more reason I should be practicing these sorta paintings though.

And a sketch of link, honestly only meant to do this for an hour or two for fun(which is why the proportions are so messed up) but i've been workin on it for a while now, i'm having fun with it still so i'm gonna finish it anyway, i'm thinking I might try and light it as well to learn a bit from it.

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RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 05-02-2014, 01:26 PM

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