Character concept, moba-like game, C&Cs are welcome!
If you're going to have only a crow head in there, it's best to have the entire crow head, and not have it cut off at the bottom just to give the eyes more real estate, because that's what it looks like right now. Put the whole head in, and tweak the design to make the eyes the focus instead.

What do you think of playing with the idea of Hugin and Munin being part of her design? I know there's already 2 crow heads in her design, but one's a hood, and one's a staff head, their relationship is not that strong yet. Maybe a twin head staff, like the twin snakes on Hermes' staff? Also try to put more "viking" or "crow" into stuff like boots, arm-protector, pants, etc. Exploit potential places to push her identity.


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RE: Character concept, moba-like game, C&Cs are welcome! - by meat - 05-16-2014, 08:00 AM

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