The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Hi again everyone, just quickly updating this with lineart of the siren piece. pretty happy with the composition, they're missing theyre heads atm because I could'nt get them right, need to do some studies.

And a quick light study on a cup when I was bored, gonna do a more indepth one to look at reflections and speculars soon.

And just refreshing my memory of bones, the ones that are circled are the ones I could'nt remember.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 06-08-2014, 08:57 AM

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