The right computer for the job
Hi. I am upgrading pretty much all my digital painting tools, because right now I have:
~10 year old mac mini w/ 2gb of ram
~10 year old wacom bamboo tablet
~11 year old original Adobe Photoshop CS

(all still work great, surprisingly!) Great tools, but for the higher res images that I'm starting to do, it just isn't enough juice, and sometimes Photoshop crashes and whatnot. I won a small wacom pro intuos from the Autodesk CG Student awards contest, so that's nice, but still need a new computer and Photoshop. I also have a nice 22" monitor, keyboard, mouse, so Is a laptop a good idea? I am still likely going to just plug in my monitor to the laptop if I get one and if I need to go somewhere, I can easily just unplug and go. + Should I get Photoshop CS6, since CC is a payment per month, thing?
I am looking at:

Lenovo Y50 (I like this because it's 15" and is much lighter)

Asus ROG G750JX (Seems in general a more commonly bought computer)

Thanks, and I realize maybe a computer site might make more sense to post this on, but if you guys have a different computer suggestion with similar specs, then let me know!


Messages In This Thread
The right computer for the job - by Zachary McLean - 06-12-2014, 09:20 AM
RE: The right computer for the job - by Spiffy - 06-16-2014, 10:00 PM

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