Appreciation of hobby artist vs full time artist
Recently someone showed me one of those pass-me-on emails of a lawyer who drew photo-realism stuff in his spare time using only colored Bic ball-point pen. They were amazed by the lawyer's talent and success. He takes months or even year to do a drawing and it's amazing. I remarked that it's amazing because he's not a professional artist. If he is, then he would be "supposed" to be able to do that, and would be expected to make amazing painting in a few days, or weeks, tops. When informed otherwise, frowns appear and doubts tints their tones. I was also reminded at this opportunity that "See? Art can only be a hobby when you're successful in a successful-able career like lawyer." Why is it that there is a big difference between people's appreciation of a "hobby" artist and a "full-time" artist? Because we can't seem to feed ourselves and our families and put fuel in our cars?


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Appreciation of hobby artist vs full time artist - by meat - 06-27-2014, 11:52 AM

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